This was the first year for the Tekonsha Elementary School Girls on the Run program, and it was a huge success! Thanks to funding from the Calhoun County Girls on the Run program and local anonymous donors, all interested third, fourth, and fifth grade girls were able to participate free of charge. Beginning in March, the girls met weekly with their coaches, Erin Hardy and Pat Shedd, to learn about positive self-esteem, kindness, community service, and healthy lifestyles. Each student was also provided a pair of shorts, t-shirt, socks, and brand new running shoes! One goal at the end of the program was to have all of the girls participate in the county-wide 5K held at Harper Creek HS. Under the direction of the coaches, the girls practiced running to build up their endurance, but also completed some community service projects, including leaving positive affirmations for high school students and making cat quilts to donate to Waid's Cat Rescue!
On Saturday, May 18, eleven of our students competed in the 5K, along with "buddy runners" that included some parents, some friends, and even some HS volunteers, It was an amazing day of fun and accomplishment for all of the participants! We look forward to continuing and growing this program at Tekonsha Schools. If you are interested in making a financial contribution toward Girls on the Run for next year, please contact Mrs. O'Keefe!