On March 23-25, 2023 Tekonsha High School’s robotics team, T-Town Tech, will travel to Lakeview High School for their very first competition. Under strict rules, limited time and resources, teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program an industrial-size robot to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It's as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Coaches Ryan Groholske and Matt Lindsey have gone above and beyond to make this first year of robotics fun and educational.
Good luck to all of the T-Town Tech team members: Vayda Nyland, Caleb Emison, Preston Pombier, David Cole, and Barric Groholske. Special shout-out to team mom, Krista Groholske!
A special thank you to their amazing sponsors:
- Tekonsha Fire Department
- Bronze Sponsor - Matt Cuckler, Daryl Blashfield, and Alvin Lautenheiser
- Bronze Sponsor - Adam Shirt Shack
- Silver Sponsor - Asama
- Gold Sponsor - Custom Agri Systems Inc.
- Platinum Sponsor - Courtesy Car and Truck
- Platinum Sponsor - Southern Michigan Bank and Trust
- Diamond Sponsor - Spartan Ins.
- Diamond Sponsor - J & J
- Diamond Sponsor - Hampton Co.
- Diamond Sponsor - Groholske Farms