October 6 through October 12 was National Fire Prevention Week (NFPW)! In recognition of this, all of the students at Tekonsha Elementary enjoyed a special visit to the Tekonsha Fire Department on Tuesday, October 8. They were able to learn about planning a safe exit and meeting place in case of a fire, having working fire alarms, and practiced “stop, drop, and roll.” They also got to get up close to the equipment that fire fighters use and even got a complete tour of the fire station!!! Thank you to Tekonsha Fire Chief Daryl Cummins for planning this special day. A highlight was getting to see Tekonsha HS student Wyatt Metcalf participate in the presentation as one of the Tekonsha firefighters!
This year, the national theme for NFPW is “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™.” This campaign strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. Tekonsha Fire Chief Cummins also stressed to students that the fire department can provide families with batteries for fire alarms. If you do not have a working fire alarm in your home, please be sure to reach out to the Tekonsha Fire Department for assistance!